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Help! My cat is sneezing, Newstead Vet. Part 2

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Continuing from where we left off yesterday on Cat flu, today we will be discussing what types of treatments are available for this disease.

Help! My cat has the flu, Newstead Vet.

What are the treatments available, Newstead Vet?

If it is severe enough, your local vet may decide to admit your cat into the hospital to monitor his/her hydration level and food intake. Antibiotic treatment can help combat secondary bacterial infection. Crusting discharges on the eyes and nose can be cleaned using a wet gauze soaked in saline. Moisturizing eye ointments are useful for the eyes but ensure that the product you're using does not contain steroids as it can aggravate the problem. Your local vet may prescribe further anti-viral treatments and L-lysine to reduce virus replication.

I think my cat might be a chronic snuffler, what can I do next, Newstead Vet?

See your local vet for further diagnostic tests. He or she may do nasal radiographs, a PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test for FCV /FHV or other tests to rule in/out diseases. It is important to consider vaccinating your other non-infected cats in your household. Isolate your cat if he/she is showing symptoms (feel free to come in to talk to me about some suggestions - I like looking at floor plans so we can talk through some strategies at home).

You should also consider cleaning and disinfecting any food bowls, bedding materials and cages to prevent the spread of FURTD.

Stress is one of the most common reasons why a cat is showing signs of cat flu.

You can help ease the stress levels of your cat by using a variety of methods such as Feliway, identifying the stressor (noises, new guests in the house, feral cats outside the house etc) and removing the stressor if possible. Reducing stress ensures that there is a lower chance of triggering the manifestation of this disease.

I hope this helps you to manage your snuffler cat.

If you are looking for a Newstead Vet, call (7) 3216 0045 to make an appointment to see Dr Nic at Fortitude Valley Vet.