Demodectic mange (Demodex canis) is a type of mites that live in the fur follicles of doggies. Some vets consider this type of parasites to be a normal resident of your pooch's skin and it is thought that mange is passed from mother to pups in the first few days of life.
Help! My dog has mites, Petrie Terrace Vet.
Most dogs do not manifest clinical symptoms but if they do, areas of fur-less scaly skin on the face, limbs and chest are commonly detected. Often, young dogs are affected and these patches will resolve by themselves with no treatment of any kind. On the other hand, if your pooch has large areas of skin or his/her entire body covered in scaly hairless patch, then your doggie may be suffering from the more serious "generalized" form of mange infestation. Compromised immune system, hereditary problem, hormonal problems or other underlying health issues are thought to be the cause of "generalized" mange and treatment depends on the age at which your doggie developed this disease.
If you suspect your dog has a mange infestation, seek the advice of your local vet. He/she will perform a skin scraping and hair pluck to confirm the presence of adult mites, their larvae and eggs under the microscope.
What happens if my doggie has mange, Petrie Terrace Vet?
Localised mange usually heals spontaneously within 6-8 weeks where as generalized mange can be more difficult to treat. It may be necessary to search for predisposing factors, such as Cushings disease, neoplasia, other medical diseases causing immunosuppression, before a suitable treatment is considered.
Most mange treatment involves using ivomectin over a period of time to eliminate all cycles of this mite. Be careful if you own a collie or similar breeds sensitive to this type of drug. It is also necessary to use a medicated shampoo, such as Pyoben, to flush the follicles where the mites live. Secondary skin infection can be controlled with oral antibiotics.
Skin scrapings are performed monthly, and treatment is continued until two negative skin scrapings, one month apart, are achieved. Your dog can only be declared mange free if skin scraping done one year later, after the last negative scrape, yield negative results.